Young Songwriter's name*


    GirlBoyPrefer not to sayPrefer to say more

    Gender: I Identify as (if you've ticked the 'Prefer to say more' box)


    Name of Parent*

    Parent's email address*


    Instagram name (if you have one)*

    Closest City to you*

    How long have you been writing songs for?*

    What do you like about songwriting?*

    Have you ever gigged before?*

    Have you ever released a song on any streaming platform?*

    Are you currently or have you ever been in a band?*

    Do you play a musical instrument? If yes, which instruments and approx level?*

    How do you produce your own songs?*

    If you had the opportunity to collaborate with three artists of your choice, who would you pick?*

    Which lyric of yours are you most proud of?*

    Song Lyrics for the song you are uploading (choose one of your songs you are most proud of)*

    Are you singing the vocals?*

    Instrumentation in song*

    What help have you had in the production of your song?*

    Upload Options
    Option 1 Please name your mp3 file 'songtitle_yourname'. Upload your song’s audio recording (in MP3 format) now. Maximum file size is 10mB.
    Option 2 If you have a Soundcloud account (or want to create one for free), via Soundcloud message Song Academy with your song's audio recording, including song title & your name).

    Choose how to upload your song*
    Option 1 - MP3 formatOption 2 - via Soundcloud

    Upload your song*

    Soundcloud account name*

    Which parts of the songwriting process would you like to develop most? (choose two options)*
    LyricsMelodiesChords & instrumentationProductionRecording

    What do you most want to get out of being a member of the Song Academy ‘Ad Lib.’ Club?*

    Where did you hear about Ad Lib.?*

    In submitting this form I confirm that the song uploaded is my own original work*

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