young girl writing in a notebook

The Benefits of Songwriting for Youth: Empowering Young Voices Through Music

At Song Academy, we believe in the amazing power of music to help young people discover their voices, express their emotions, and build a strong sense of self and community. Songwriting isn’t just about lyrics and melodies – it’s about finding an outlet for self-expression and boosting your mental wellbeing, especially when the world feels overwhelming.

Did you know that one in five young people in England experience mental health challenges? According to the NHS Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 report, one in five children and young people in England aged eight to 25 had a probable mental disorder that year. With pressures from social media, climate change fears, and the cost of living crisis, young people are facing unique challenges. 

That’s where songwriting comes in! It offers them a creative way to process emotions, share stories, and feel empowered through music. Read on to learn more about how songwriting can benefit UK’s children, teens and youth. 

Mental Health Challenges Among UK Youth

The mental health statistics for young people in the UK are eye-opening*:

  • 20.3% of 8-16 year olds were diagnosed with a probable mental disorder in 2023
  • 23.3% of 17-19 year olds were similarly affected
  • 21.7% of 20-25 year olds also reported mental health issues

Since then, social media pressure, global politics, and the rising cost of living haven’t made things any easier, have they? 

Unfortunately, NHS mental health services are under strain, which means professional help isn’t always available when you need it. What’s more, studies have shown that many young adults in the UK don’t seek out mental-health support when they need it. This is where songwriting can make a real difference as a DIY therapeutic tool to share your feelings and shake off your worries through the feel-good act of expressing yourself musically. 

Youth Music’s 2023 Self-Expression report showed 93% of young people DO treat music lyrics as a “therapeutic tool” when struggling with their mental health. In the study, 73% of those aged 16-24 said lyrics help them process difficult feelings, and 54% believe writing or listening to music lessens feelings of isolation.

*Source: The NHS Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 report.

Songwriting: Your Creative Outlet

Songwriting can be an incredibly powerful way for you to express your emotions, connect with others, and get through difficult times. Whether you’re writing about sadness, anger, hopes, or dreams, songwriting gives you a safe space to explore – and release − complex emotions.

In our blog about how writing songs boosts mental health, we shared these words by music therapist Barbara Dunn: “songwriting is a way to give voice to the essence of who we are.” When you write music, you create space for self-reflection and personal growth, helping you discover more about who you really are.

Even if you’re new to it, the act of songwriting itself has a cathartic effect, allowing you to process thoughts and feelings in a creative, structured way that offers a sense of relief.

How Songwriting Can Benefit Your Mind

Express Yourself!

Feeling anxious, sad, or frustrated? Expressing these emotions can be hard, but songwriting provides an important outlet. By writing music and lyrics, you can let out complex feelings in a healthy way, reducing emotional struggles.

Discover Who You Are

The songwriting process requires you to look inward, helping you better understand your personal journey. This self-awareness is key during your teen years and young adulthood, as you explore your sense of identity through music.

Boost Your Creativity

One of the most exciting aspects of songwriting is the chance to get creative! You’ll experiment with words, rhythms, and melodies, enhancing your creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The best part? There are no ‘wrong answers’ in songwriting – it’s all about finding your unique voice.

Train Your Brain

When you compose lyrics, you’re engaging your mind in ways that improve your vocabulary, memory, and language skills. This creative exercise can also improve problem-solving skills, as you organise your thoughts and emotions, make connections and experiment with new ways to communicate. These benefits can carry over to school and other areas of your life.

Reduce Stress

The act of making music can be meditative, lowering stress levels by taking your mind off outside pressures like school or family dynamics. The rhythmic nature of music has a calming effect on your brain, helping to lessen anxiety.

Build Your Confidence

Completing a song − especially one that resonates with you − can significantly boost your self-esteem. Remember: every song you write is an achievement to be proud of! Plus, sharing your song with others – whether on a stage or in a competition – develops confidence as you overcome the nerves to showcase your unique talents. 

Connect With Others

Group songwriting is an excellent chance to collaborate, communicate, and develop social skills. Writing songs together encourages teamwork and helps you build strong bonds with musical peers. Our songwriting workshops create supportive environments where you’ll feel heard, valued, and understood.

Practice Mindfulness

The focused nature of songwriting promotes mindfulness by requiring attention to detail. Songwriting sessions encourage you to be present in the moment, which improves focus and enhances your ability to regulate your emotions.

Develop Resilience

The process of creating a song involves trial and error when figuring out lyrics, melodies, and arrangements. As you learn to persevere through challenges and stay adaptable, you grow your grit. Important tip: some of the best songs come after multiple revisions!

How Songwriting Helps You at Different Stages

For Teens: Find Your Self

Songwriting is a valuable way to explore who you are and develop a clearer sense of self. Writing about your personal experiences and emotions helps you understand yourself better, which leads to stronger independence and self-expression.

For Those Facing Mental Health Challenges: Find Relief

Are you dealing with depression, anxiety, or stress? Songwriting can be a vital tool. By writing a song, you can process feelings, and feel heard and understood. This practice can complement any professional support you may be getting.

For Students: Improve Your Focus

Engaging in the art of songwriting enhances focus and concentration. The skills you learn while writing lyrics and music can improve your academic performance by boosting your problem-solving abilities and encouraging attention to detail.

For Young Activists: Express Your Concerns

Do you feel strongly about issues like feminism, climate change, mental health, or social justice? Songwriting provides an avenue for expressing these concerns, helping you become an active participant in social change.

For Everyone: Experience Achievement

Writing an original song gives you a sense of accomplishment that encourages you to keep pursuing your artistic dreams. This gives you purpose and meaning.

Join Our Songwriting Community to Find Your Voice and Express Your Feelings!

At Song Academy, we are committed to harnessing the power of songwriting to support and empower the next generation of songwriters and creatives. We provide various programmes for aspiring young songwriters. From one-on-one songwriting coaching to group workshops, summer camps and competitions, our programmes are designed to help you explore your creativity, gain confidence, and experience the benefits of songwriting.

Ready to start your songwriting journey? Join us and let’s get creative together! Check out our workshops or school songwriting programmes, enter our Young Songwriter competition, or join our supportive tribe of young musicians. Your voice matters, and we can’t wait to hear it!

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